A little history on Dave's spicy journey...

Dave had a taste for spicy food in his teens growing up in San Jose CA but it was traveling the world where he had the fortune to try foods of many cultures. Most of them all have their unique versions of spicy condiments.

 In 2017 Dave started making sauce from his homegrown backyard veggies in New York.  He'd make a couple dozen bottles as gifts. This happened over a few years, not really knowing anything about food safety and acidified foods….luckily no one got sick!!

THEN……….. in 2020 when the pandemic hit, Dave quickly moved to LA where his wife was working at the time.  

About six months later Dave's buddy Andrew and his family moved from NY to LA.  Shortly thereafter the two of themwere smoking Andrew's family out of their house with their first test batches!!!!

Photo: Ryan Tanaka Photography

And then Project Hot Sauce really got going

What followed kept Dave and Andrew busy for the next 6-9 months. Taking a Cannery Course and Food Managers certificate class. Starting a kickstarter campaign. Partnering with a local farmer and securing a commercial kitchen!

Photo: Ryan Tanaka Photography

When Dave's job on Broadway (The Book of Mormon) reopened in 2021, he returned to NY.  Over the next 18 months Andrew also got a new job and Dave was traveling coast to coast quite frequently to cook batches.  

With the majority of PHS customers in NY it meant shipping inventory constantly which at the end of 2023 made no more sense.  After reorganizing, Dave is starting fresh in NY!! This does mean jumping through all the NY State regulations but so far its going smoothly.  

Project Hot Sauce first New York batches scheduled to launch October 2024!! Stay tuned...

Photo: Ryan Tanaka Photography